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School Bus Responsibilities

The success of our transportation program depends on the cooperation of students, parents, school staff and the companies we work with.

Students’ responsibilities:

  • Be well behaved on the bus by not fighting, shouting or rough-housing on the bus
  • Follow the driver’s instructions
  • Be on time for pick-up

Parents’ responsibilities:

  • Ensure your child is at the designated bus stop on time
  • Maintain open communication with the driver about unique characteristics of your child (i.e. behavioural or medical concerns)
  • Inform the bus company if someone else is picking up your child or if your child will not be on the bus on a particular day before dismissal
  • Contact your school if you have any concerns about transportation

Drivers’ responsibilities:

  • Transport students safely to and from their school from their designated stop
  • Notify parents of any changes in pick-up or drop-off times
  • Ensure students are met by their parent or caregiver, if necessary
  • If a parent or caregiver is not there to meet a child, the driver has the following options:
  • Drop off the remaining students and return to the child’s drop-off location
  • Deliver the student to the emergency contact person if available and nearby
  • Return the student to the school