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Permit Applications

Community Organizations and individuals wishing to use the school facilities outside school hours can submit their request using the online Facility Permit Booking system. All permit applications should be submitted through eBase.

To access and use eBase, all users should create an account first and can only request permits when the new account has been activated.  You can submit a request after your account has been activated. Clients should create an online account and log in to submit their requests.


How to Use the Booking Portal

eBase is a simple interactive booking software. We have put together a video showing a step by step process on how to use the software. It is recommended that all users watch the Introduction Video which will demonstrate how to use the booking portal. The video is also available from the .



Documents providing proof of Non-profit and or Charitable status can be uploaded to your eBase permit account. These can be uploaded to the files section under your profile.