Waste Minimization Resources
Minimizing waste means using less stuff, reusing what you can, and
recycling as much as possible. These actions have multiple
benefits—reducing the energy required to extract, process, and
transport resources, as well as reducing the land impacts of
unnecessary waste disposal. Any time we reduce our energy use,
we produce fewer greenhouse gases.
We need to reflect on the quantity of resources we consume, how we use the resources we have,
and how we dispose of the waste at day’s end. The responsibility of using our resources sustainably
and managing our waste to reduce our impact on the environment involves all levels of our school
system, and all levels of our society.
We have a "" site (basically the content from the old EcoSchools Toolkit); we suggest jumping straight to the .
This section is still under development as we continue to work on systemic changes, but anyone looking to start using green bins we have an that is useful. We have further on the School Support site.
for sorting waste and recycling (and other fun things!)
Need new bins? EcoSchools is
to help you!