PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-0190

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: MonarchPark@tdsb.on.ca


Monarch Park Collegiate Institute's Mission Statement

Monarch Park is a welcoming, supportive and safe school.  With the individual in mind, we strive to ensure that each student's needs are met with support both inside and outside of the classroom.  Our supports include the Tutors in the Classroom program, a dedicated social worker and other workshops/events that assist our students with their individual and collective needs.  Our students are encouraged  to pursue excellence and lifelong learning in individual subject areas.  Our school includes three specialized programs; the International Baccalaureate Program, the Mobility Resource Program where students with mobility challenges pursue credit courses and an Independent Living Program.   

MPC offers a semestered program for students following all pathways - to College, to University or to the Workplace. Our school is located close to public transit.  Adjacent to a park, MPC has a FIFA regulation field and NCAA calibre running track that are covered with a dome during the winter months, making it a year-round facility.  Our pool is used by our students, the community and surrounding schools.  Ferguson Hall, located in our library, is a large meeting space with technology that supports student and community gatherings and drama productions.  Our library is a warm and welcoming space for students to study. The school has a number of computer and cross-curricular labs that support student learning.

Mobility Resource Program

  MPC is a barrier free environment. We offer a program for students with physical disabilities; these students receive support in academic classes as they pursue credit courses.

More Information About Monarch Park Collegiate Institute

Partnering with the Community

We have a global vision, but we also work with our local community!
We work with many local agencies (The Toronto Intergenerational Partnership, Red Door Shelter, various Community Centres, and Out of the Cold programs, for example) to support community members and to provide leadership development and Co-operative Education opportunities for our students.

Independent Living Program

The Independent Living Program supports students with Developmental Disabilities.  These students are fully engaged in school life.  Our students with learning disabilities are also supported and have access to a resource room.

The Arts at MPC

The Arts are well represented through comprehensive Dramatic Arts, Music (vocal and instrumental) and Visual/Media Arts Programs. Our Arts Department organizes Arts Nights, many Drama Presentations, participates in the Sears Drama Festival and supports school events by providing music and tech support. 

English Language Learners

English Language Learners (ELL), including International Visa students, are supported in specialized language acquisition courses.  The ELL Program supports students in the regular program once the necessary language skills have been acquired.  ELL students receive supports and accommodations during exam periods.

Additional Features

  • Pathways to College and University
  • Excellent Sports Teams & Facilities
  • Clubs and Organizations
  • UN/Debating Teams
  • Settlement Workers (New Canadians)
  • Computer Labs
  • Grade 9 Transition Program
  • Monarch Park Stadium

Student Life - Where You Belong


Beyond the classroom, MPC students have numerous opportunities to participate in activities that they are interested in.  We have active Arts Clubs that participate in Drama, Music and Visual Arts activities.  Our athletic teams are varied and support boys', girls' and co-ed teams in many sports.  Students are represented by Student Council, who run a variety of events throughout the school year.  Our school embraces the philosophy of Global Education and we make every effort to infuse programming and extra-curricular activities with this focus, including events run by our Social Justice club, MINGA.  Monarch Athletic Council (MAC) run tournaments, intramurals and have introduced a House System this year that sees all students in friendly competition in a variety of areas with the goal of winning the House Cup in June!  From Debating to Reach for the Top, DECA to Model UN competitions, MPC has extracurricular activities that appeal to a broad range of interests - it is easy for our students to get involved in the life of the school!


Monarch Park Collegiate's diversity and engagement in real world issues creates a unique learning environment for our community of learners. Students and staff work together at our school to find new ways to extend our students' learning and experiences.  Over several years, we have introduced new programming (IB), events, teams and clubs that the students and staff of the school identify with.  Our Grade 9 Orientation program is focused on making the transition to secondary school as smooth as possible for our new grade 9's.  By coming together for Movin' On Up Day before school starts, sharing team building experiences at Camp Robin Hood at the end of the first week of school, and going on a three-day overnight camp experience in October, our Grade 9 students know each other well after the first six weeks of school and become part of a cohesive and positive school community.


MPC is proud of our relationships with our parent and community partners.  Our School Council is engaged in working with the school to support our students.  The focus for School Council has been identified as continued communication with parents and the community through our electronic newsletter.  We have community partners with organizations such as Free the Children, Toronto Intergenerational Partnerships, Thorncliffe Park Community Centre (Settlement Worker for new Canadian students), Big Brothers, Big Sisters and Pathways to Education.