PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-0140

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: Jarvis@tdsb.on.ca


Jarvis Collegiate Institute's Mission Statement

Founded in 1807, Jarvis CI was the first public high school in Toronto and has a long tradition of academic excellence and student involvement.  Jarvis is committed to providing a rich and varied program encouraging critical thinking as well as developing research and communication skills. 
We offer an MST central program with a focus on Math, Science and Technology, AP courses, SHSM in Business, and student leadership activities through Grade 9 Camp and our many clubs, teams, and Arts programs. Our school has a rich mmix of students from over 70 countries of origin, integrated into one unified, vibrant community.
                   The school with heart, in the heart of the city! 

AP (Advanced Placement) Courses

Jarvis is proud to offer the AP Program (Gr. 12) and the Pre-AP (Gr. 11) Program to our motivated students who wish to take university-level courses while still in high school.
AP can provide:
* an opportunity to receive university credit in their AP subject or an admissions boost for their university choice.
* university-level higher order academic knowledge and skill sets such as critical thinking, analysis, and problem solving.
* more confidence, superior study skills, and a broader knowledge base.

More Information About Jarvis Collegiate Institute

MST (Math, Science and Technology) Program

Students in the MST program will take eight classes as a cohort, and will have access to learning opportunities outside of the classroom. From the start, MST students will establish team work experiences through our Grade 9 Camp, and the MST Camp in Grade 10. MST students will have access to networking opportunities and exciting math and science contests.

Business SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major)

The Business SHSM prepares students for post-secondary study and employment opportunities locally and abroad, setting the foundation for leadership in business. SHSM provides certification and training, career exploration and reach ahead activities. SHSM students have connected with MLSE, JP Morgan Chase, CBC, and taken trips to NYC.

Student Leadership

Our leadership opportunities are a big part of what makes Jarvis so special. Our students run Student Council, Peer Leaders, Athletic Council and 30+ clubs. Grade 9 Camp helps with the transition of our incoming students, by helping them make new friends and connect with our senior leaders. 

Enhanced Opportunities Outside the Classroom

Our teachers strive to provide enhanced opportunities for our students outside of the classroom. Our geographic proximity helps us take more frequent field trips. We offer international education tours, excursions to the ROM, TSO, COC, CBC, TSX, Ontario Courts and the AGO. We have community partnerships  with Pathways to Education, MLSE, and Kiwanis.

Our students meet the highest of standards in the areas of math and science, competing annually in national and international contests

Additional Features

  • Rich Extra-Curricular Programs
  • NEW Library Learning Commons (2024)
  • Student Scholarship & Award Program
  • Excellent Arts & Co-op Programs
  • Historic Rotunda and Auditorium
  • PC Labs, Mac Lab & Chromecarts
  • NEW Drama room & facility (2024)
  • Two gymnasiums, Olympic-sized Pool

Student Life - Where You Belong


Jarvis sets the standards of excellence by offering:
*  Over 30 Clubs including clubs in art, business, science; Jarvis Radio Show, Tech Crew, Multicultural, Yearbook, Eco Team, Peer Leaders, MSA (Muslim Student Association), Jazz Combo, JBA (Jarvis Business Association), JCC (Jarvis Community Council)  ...just to name a few
*  Outstanding teams and sports like soccer, basketball, volleyball, rugby, track & field, tennis, swim team, badminton, and numerous intramural sports 
*  Opportunities to demonstrate Jarvis spirit and talent through Drama Night, Music Night, Coffee House, Art Show, Spirit Week, celebration of Heritage Months, Athletic Banquet, Talent Show, and Springfest
* Opportunities to motivate our students to not only apply their academic knowledge but to excel in areas of athletics, arts, and citizenship


Brilliance - We have Pre-AP (Gr. 11) and AP courses (Gr. 12). We have a NEW central MST program with a focus in math, science, and technology. We have a 95% graduation rate, and 70% choose university and 30% choose college. Many of our students are Ontario Scholars (80%+ average)!
Opportunity - Jarvis has a robust Co-op program, as well as incredible Social Science, Phys. Ed. ESL and French programs. Our Arts department spans Drama, Music, Visual Arts and Media Arts. We have a SHSM in Business, and our location makes field trip possibilities easy. We offer international travel opportunities and experiences, too!
Leadership - Our student leaders mentor younger students, and plan and lead activities like Grade 9 Heart Start Day, Grade 9 Camp, and Grade 8 afternoon and evening. Students create, and plan activities for, our 30+ clubs!
Diversity - Our student population is a mosaic of over 70 countries of origin, embracing multiple languages and religions. Our dedication to inclusivity promotes tolerance and respect for all.


Jarvis School Council is growing to involve our parent community!  We meet regularly to discuss matters of interest to student learning and involvement. The Council is always welcoming new parents / caregivers to take an active role in their child’s education.  We communicate with our parents through Curriculum Night, School Newsletters, mass emails, Parent/Caregiver-Teacher conferences, and Grade 8 Information Night.