PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-1910


EMAIL ADDRESS: IslandPublic_NaturalScience@tdsb.on.ca


Island Public/Natural Science School's Mission Statement

The Island Public/Natural Science School dates back to 1888. It is located a short ferry ride from the city on the Toronto Islands at 30 Centre Island Park.

Three programs are run from the school: a Full Day Kindergarten to Grade 6 Day School that services the Island and Harbourfront community. Most of the students are transported to the school from the city-side by ferry and school bus. We currently have 9 classes which are supported by Core French, Library, STEM and Special Education.

The building was designed with an environmental focus which includes a large Common Room, Library Commons, Gymnasium, Outdoor Court Yard, two Science Labs, and a Greenhouse.  The day school benefits from three outdoor classrooms and various naturalized areas for learning.

Building a Respectful School Climate

At the Island Public/Natural Science School we strive to meet the individual needs of students by creating a learning environment that fosters a feeling of belonging and inclusion, a love of learning, and a format for conflict resolution.  This is achieved by continuously striving to strengthen our partnership between parents and the community.  We aim to create the conditions for students to feel safe, positive and engaged in their learning.  We also develop respect and responsibility through student leadership and team building, student interest clubs and character trait assemblies.

Our School Code of Conduct and Bullying Prevention Plan through the implementation of Student Leadership, The Third Path: Setting Conditions for Well-Being and Friendship In Action are a foundation for student appreciation for the needs of others. We believe that a strong curriculum, and an open, consistent and supportive school climate fosters self-efficacy and resiliency among our students.

More Information About Island Public/Natural Science School


As socially responsible citizens it is our task to find solutions to today's environmental concerns. We are committed to continuing our EcoSchools program so that students have opportunities to demonstrate leadership through student-led assemblies, visiting classrooms and creating announcements.  We are currently a Platinum ECO School. 

We plan to build on the current practice by:
  • partnering with the outdoor education program around effective practices that ensure Platinum Eco-Schools Status
  • upgrading our composting program, using a series of composters on a rotating basis
  • decreasing our energy consumption (delamping, decrease usage of small appliances, 'Turn off the Lights" campaign)
  • eliminating the use of plastic water bottle from all school events including School Council meetings and fundraisers and ensure students utilize the two water bottle filling stations available at the school
  • delivering a 'Litterless Lunch' program and bringing awareness to waste management

Student Leadership

Student leadership is a significant proponent at the Island Public/Natural Science School.  Under the direction of staff, Grade 4, 5 and 6 students are encouraged to work in conjunction and undertake a yearly project that will benefit children locally and globally in developing countries.

Each year we participate in the AIA Christmas Boutique through a goal of raising $1000 through the donations of chili sales going directly a designated board children's campaign.

Student Interest Extra Curricular Activities

At the Island Public/Natural Science School we take pride on the great number of extra curricular activities and events that we offer our students.  As a small teaching and support staff complement of 15, a number of options are offered to students:  choirs, yearly musical, athletics, intramurals, coding, lego, arts, STEM, reading, math clubs to name a few.

Providing students with opportunities to become involved in interest-based activities with their teachers and peers supports team work, enhances school spirit and encourages skill development.

Putting Technology into the Hands of Students

The use of technology is prevalent within and outside of our school lives. The Island Public/Natural Science School school-wide wifi access allows students to access technology throughout the day when necessary.  All classrooms have access to a multi-media cart which includes a data projector, laptop, speakers and document camera.

Chrome Books, iPads, Mini-iPads and laptops are prevalent in every classroom to ensure the technology is accessible to our students on a regular basis.

Additional Features

  • Welcoming and Engaging Classrooms
  • Dedicated Staff
  • Integrated Technology
  • Mid-Morning Meal &Hot Lunch Program
  • Active School Council
  • Proud to be a Platinum Eco School
  • Walk to School Days
  • Ongoing Staff Development

Student Life - Where You Belong


Island Public/Natural Science School is an exciting and engaging place to be. The geographic location, setting and its size provide a unique opportunity to foster environmental ethics and global awareness using the curriculum and the natural resources at hand. These three factors are also what creates a genuine and inclusive school community.
A typical day in the life of a student at the Island Public/Natural Science School begins one of two ways.  Students living on the Island take the Ward's Island school bus to the school.  Students living on the city side begin their day by taking the ferry across to catch the school busses that take them to school. Students return the same way.
When at school students are engaged in active hands-on learning, student-led inquiry and participate in a myriad of extra-curricular activities. Students are sure to find a place where they can learn a new skill or share their passion with other students. Staff and students have a shared sense of responsibility for the welfare and well-being of all of our students and this is fostered through cross-grade learning buddies.


Our unique location and small community allows us to pride ourselves on creating an inclusive, positive and caring place for students.  Our amazing School Council is dedicated to supporting the many school happenings.   
Our School Community thinks you should know that these things are what sets us apart:
  • We take a ferry and a bus to school;
  • We aren't surrounded by buildings; we are surrounded by nature;
  • We have no fences and a HUGE playground;
  • We support 'Free the Children';
  • We have animals visit us and sometimes take our lunch bags;
  • We have a very peaceful environment and take nature walks in the woods;
  • We are very safe and have a great community;
  • We have a spectacular view of the beach and the lake.
  •  The Island Public/Natural Science School is a very inclusive community.


We have an engaged parent community who are encouraged to be actively involved in the school.  Our School Council provides a vehicle for parents to provide input into the school.  They also play an active role in fundraising for the school that supports the implementation of the school improvement plan. Parent Volunteers support both classroom and school-wide programs and events.
We collaborate with: Community and social agencies, including Police, Public Health, and Ferry Service.  Parks and Recreation are a key partner in supporting our school by providing leadership and guidance in the ongoing naturalization of the school area.  Also, we work in partnership with Parks and Public Health with regards to the One-on-One Mentoring program that supports students.