PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-2000


EMAIL ADDRESS: Amesbury@tdsb.on.ca


Amesbury Middle School's Mission Statement

Amesbury Middle School prides itself in serving students from an increasingly diverse community. Our students, parents, staff and community reflect many cultures which provides our school with a richness that is nurtured and cherished.
Amesbury students are continuously challenged to "Soar to Excellence". Each student has the opportunity to receive a curricular-based program, which is challenging, supportive and reflects each individual's personal learning style and needs. Students have the opportunity to develop their literacy and social skills within all aspects of the academic program, the elective courses and co-curricular activities.

Pride in Our School

Our school facilities provide the backdrop for student achievement in the academic subjects, the arts, physical education and the co-curricular activities. Our school staff, parent volunteers, and community representatives are all vital resources through which our students receive support in their daily learning experiences. Through the Student Ambassadors, and the School Advisory Council priorities are being established with respect to the development of pride in the students' accomplishments.

More Information About Amesbury Middle School

Student Engagement

Involvement in school life takes many forms and, from the very first assembly in September, students are encouraged to become involved in activities outside of the classroom.  For example, we're very proud of our student leadership and life enrichment programs which currently serve our Amesbury school population (i.e. Inspiring Minds, One Voice, One Team, One Mic, etc.)

Student Leadership

Not since birth has the adolescent brain gone through greater growth. Our students are truly receptive and ready to "take charge" and, each year, a number are nominated by their peers to represent their class and a few are motivated to become Amesbury Ambassadors. Their personal priorities vary each year but it's exciting to watch the brain in action!


With support from our Guidance staff, our Grade 8 students are set up for success when choosing appropriate secondary school options and pathways.  Also, our future Amesbury students have multiple opportunities to connect with us throughout the school year to support a smooth Grade 5-6 transition.  

Extra-Special Features!

Amesbury is a Model Middle School (that's a program unique to the T.D.S.B. called Model Schools for Inner Cities). Our staff receive additional professional development and support for programs and activities and - it's wonderful! - our students benefit!

Additional Features

  • Safe & Caring School
  • Fine Facilities
  • Welcoming Environment
  • High Expectations for All Students
  • Extra Support outside Classroom
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Engaged Staff, Students & Parents
  • Role Models in Professional Staff

Student Life - Where You Belong


First of all, Amesbury Middle School is the home of the Hawks!  Appropriately then, our school motto is "Soar to Excellence".  Our mission at Amesbury is increasing student achievement. You can look forward to an excellent Academic program. We use a student agenda (planner) to communicate between home and school ~ no surprises!
Our first priority for our student is safety at school.  We are an anti-Bullying school. Students are expected to eat lunch in the cafeteria unless you have a note from home and you sign out and sign in at the office.
We have a Music Recorder program for grade 6’s and a Band program for grades 7 and 8. We also have a computer lab and a language lab to assist you with your projects.
We have a teacher who specializes in physical educaton and works to provide our students with appropriate skills. In Athletics, we have many different sports teams, such as basketball, volleyball, cross-country, soccer, and track & field. In the past, our student athletic teams have been District or City Champions! Wow!


Every student at Amesbury is issued a personal locker!
At Amesbury we have a school uniform.  We have a uniform so we can identify strangers or people who are coming into our school. Our uniform is black pants or skirt, with a white shirt with a collar or a blouse. You are expected to be in uniform everyday including on trips.
We have a variety of Extra-Curricular activities; e.g., sports teams, clubs-such as: F.U.E.L, and “I Dare You To Read” and much more.
We have leadership programs, such as Ambassadors and Student Council. We have Casual Dress Down days, Dances, and Special Theme days organized by student council.
We also have trips specific to each grade. Grade 6 students have visited: Science Centre, Downsview Park, Japanese Cultural Centre, etc. In grade 7 and grade 8 you get to go to camp (or other overnight trips) with your class and your teacher.


Engaging parents is a strong priority.  We will begin our school year with our Annual welcome back Open House, BBQ & Curriculum Night in September.  We want to get to know each other! Similarly, our doors are open to engage our community - we're a community hub - to foster partnerships between the school and community.
We enjoy strong relationships with Amesbury and the Doorsteps After-School Program, The Metro Toronto Police, Amesbury Middle School's feeder schools and Weston Collegiate Institute.
The School Council has planned a number of special events for parents/care providers including a workshop about cyber-bullying. We will continue to nurture safe and welcoming environments/facilities to ensure that our school is a safe place which fosters an optimal learning environment.