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SEAC Recommendations to the 勛圖窪蹋厙 (勛圖窪蹋厙)


The Education Act [Subsection 57.1(1)] requires every district school board to establish a Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). The composition and duties of a SEAC are set out in Regulation 464/97. SEAC's responsibilities include:

  • Making recommendations to the school board in respect of any matter affecting the establishment, development and delivery of special education programs and services for the exceptional pupils of the board;
  • Participating in the board's annual review of its special education plan;
  • Participating in the board's annual budget process as it relates to special education;
  • Reviewing the financial statements of the board as they relate to special education.

SEAC meets on a monthly basis. During these meetings, members identify special education issues and pass motions that contain recommendations for the 勛圖窪蹋厙.


In 2015, SEAC developed a set of priorities and an action plan, by exploring the following questions:

  1. How can 勛圖窪蹋厙 improve its process for deciding what educational services and supports a child with special needs will receive?
  2. How can 勛圖窪蹋厙 improve the range of educational placements, programs and services offered to students with special needs?
  3. What can be done to more effectively make 勛圖窪蹋厙 education fully accessible, barrier-free and inclusive to children with special needs?
  4. What are the Big Picture concerns regarding 勛圖窪蹋厙s delivery of education to students with special needs?

On October 5, 2015, SEAC approved its set of Priorities and Action Plan. Click here for a copy of the SEAC document.


On June 13, 2016, SEAC passed four detailed motions recommending ways for the 勛圖窪蹋厙 to improve the delivery of programs and services to students with special education needs. The motions were shared with the Program and School Services Committee (PSSC) of the Board. The SEAC Chair clarified that SEAC would turn the motions into more specific recommendations during the 2016-2017 school year.

The motions address the following four areas:

  1. The right of parents, guardians and students with special education needs to know about 勛圖窪蹋厙 special education programs, services and supports, and how to access them.
  2. Ensuring that parents, guardians and students have a fair and effective process for raising concerns about 勛圖窪蹋厙s accommodation for students with special needs.泭
  3. Ensuring a fully accessible built environment at 勛圖窪蹋厙 schools.
  4. Ensuring digital accessibility at 勛圖窪蹋厙.

Click here for the SEAC Reform Motions document.


SEAC motions are forwarded to the boards Program and School Services Committee (PSSC), worded as recommendations to the board. The SEAC Chair is invited to address PSSC at the meetings about the SEAC recommendations being made. During the meeting, the recommendations are discussed and next steps are determined. Some recommendations may be turned back to SEAC for clarification. Some may be forwarded to the Special Education department with a request for a report back to PSSC on the topic under consideration. Other recommendations may proceed directly to the board for decision.

Readers can check board Minutes (Summary of Decisions) on-line at:


SEAC Recommendations

Recommendations made by SEAC to the board are available below by date and topic. Membership motions put forward applications that have been received from associations or individuals seeking membership on SEAC. Other topics relate to SEACs advisory mandate.

Please click on the date to access a copy of the motion.


June 18, 2018 Parents as Partners Conference
May 7, 2018 Refer SEAC Parent Survey Report (2018) to all Trustees
May 7, 2018 Include Special Education Documents in the Special Education Plan
May 7, 2018 Invite Director and Chair to SEAC
April 9, 2018 SEAC Elections
April 9, 2018 Independent Review of 勛圖窪蹋厙
April 9, 2018 Association for Bright Children SEAC Membership
March 5, 2018 Learning Disabilities Association Representative Nomination
March 5, 2018 Create More Equitable Outcomes for Students with Special Needs
SEAC Motion #6 (January 2018)
SEAC Motion #5 (April 2017)
SEAC Motions #1 4 (June 2016)


June 5, 2017 SEAC Membership IAI
June 5, 2017 SEAC Membership NE Community
June 5, 2017 SEAC Membership NW Community
May 1, 2017 DRAFT Motion # 6 Exclusion Policy
May 1, 2017 David Lepofsky Deputation to 勛圖窪蹋厙 Program and School Services Committee
April 3, 2017 Special Education Reform Motion 5
April 3, 2017 Special Education Reform Motion 5 with itemized vote
January 16, 2017 SEAC Membership
January 16, 2017 SEAC/Board Communication Process


November 7 2016 SEAC Membership
November 7 2016 SEAC Membership NW Community
October 24, 2016 Budget Consultation
September 12, 2016 Transportation
September 29, 2016 Transportation Chair David Lepofskys Deputation to 勛圖窪蹋厙 Finance and Accountability Committee
June 13, 2016 Special Education Reform
June 13, 2016 SEAC Membership
May 2, 2016 SEAC Membership
March 1, 2016 Written Submission to 勛圖窪蹋厙 Budget and Enrollment Committee
March 1, 2016 David Lepofsky Deputation to 勛圖窪蹋厙 Budget and Enrollment Committee
February 24, 2016 David Lepofsky Deputation to 勛圖窪蹋厙 Program and School Services Committee
February 1, 2016 Special Education Budget
February 1, 2016 SEAC Membership
February 1, 2016 SEAC Parent Survey


November 2, 2015 Budget Consultation
September 21, 2015 SEAC Code of Conduct
June 1, 2015 SEAC Membership
April 13, 2015 SEAC Membership
February 9, 2015 SEAC Membership